WELCOME to the B-A Class of ‘62

Class Motto: Better Always Higher Still

Graduating Class

May 31, 1962, Ninety-six classmates from the Class of ’62 graduated. Our vision of the future was shaped by plans for the following year. With thoughts of higher education, the armed forces and impending engagements, who could think any further ahead? The freedoms on the other side of the school walls consumed our days and filled our dreams.
When we started our new journey after graduation we were called "the graduates of the Class of ’62". We have all suffered from disappointments, illnesses, and loss of loved ones. We have also shared the joys of friendships, job promotions, raising families, and enjoying grandchildren.
We all remember how September 11, 2001, changed many of our lives. Our sense of security had been shattered, but as Americans we pulled together and stood tall and supported our great nation and moved forward.
Now we have acquired a new title, “Senior Citizens.” As age steals away the years, we are faced with making the decision to retire or continue to work. Regardless what we choose, the Bellwood-Antis Class of ’62, are survivors.
As we continue our journey through the “Golden Years,” we will enjoy each new day as it was our last. We will cherish every moment spent with family and friends and enjoy the journey as long as it last.

“Better Always Higher Still”

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The group met at Hoss's and had fun filled evening. We were pleased to have Dick Wertz join us for the first time. Jim & Gloria (Nelson) Nedimyer are back again this month. Jenny lead the group with wrinkle therapy as they laughed while she entertained the group with jokes and stories.

We also talked about the 50Th Class Reunion Plans. It would be nice if we had 62 classmates plan to attend our big celebration. The committee is working hard as usual to have another successful event. If you have never attended one of your class reunions make plans to attend this one. Save the dates:

  1. Friday, July 13Th for the Lake Raystown Dinner/Cruise with bus transportation to and from lake.

  2. Saturday, July 14Th for Dinner/Dance at the Calvin House.

  3. Sunday Morning,July 15Th Buffet Breakfast Farewell (Dutch-treat)
Then Dick Wertz and Blair Williams entertained with banjo and guitars while the group sang along. Everyone had a great time. Dick and Blair did a fantastic job for never accompanying each other.

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